Share. Play. Connect.

Online gaming reimagined.

We’re fostering a safe and collaborative virtual environment where creatives can grow thriving communities. One stream, one game, one person at a time.


It began while the world was silent. While our streets were empty and our communities were cracking at the seams, the connections we made online brought us together. But, the platforms designed to help us, let us down. SharePlay is here to change that. Content creators, streaming partners, and community members deserve more than lackluster support and outdated values. We empower people to build genuine relationships. To make friends and grow thriving communities — close to home or around the world.

It was always
about connecting

It began while the world was silent. While our streets were empty and our communities were cracking at the seams, the connections we made online brought us together. But, the platforms designed to help us, let us down. SharePlay is here to change that. Content creators, streaming partners, and community members deserve more than lackluster support and outdated values. We empower people to build genuine relationships. To make friends and grow thriving communities — close to home or around the world.

Building something

No matter your experience, size, or following, you have a home here. You’re part of a community that wants to see you grow and succeed, and we’ll welcome you with open arms. Our team is committed to making SharePlay a safe and inclusive space for everyone, and we want you to come along for the ride.

A platform by creatives
for creatives

We’re a team of designers, creators, and content enthusiasts, just like you. We understand the challenges you face, because we’ve faced them ourselves. We’re building the platform we wish existed – one that puts creators first.

Find your community

Share your profile today and let your community know where
you'll be when SharePlay launches.

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Whether you’re a creator or viewer, we need your help to shape the future of streaming. Join us on this journey, and help us build something better, together.